SOZO Festival staff dates:
Sunday evening, July 16 through
Sunday afternoon, July 23, 2006
Staff members have the opportunity to
serve in many areas including: child care, food prep,
registration, grounds up keep, Café SOZO, security,
construction teams and production.
Staff dates are July 16-23 with the festival being
July 19-23. Staff must arrive in Baja the evening of
July 15 for registration and staff service is complete
around 3:00 PM on July 23.
All staff must be willing to model servant leadership
by heartily participating in whatever areas of service
assigned to them. There is also the opportunity for
artistically inclined staff to share their talent; this
could be on one of the three stages or simply by using
art to connect with other staff and participants. There
is a place for everyone to serve at the SOZO festival.