
SOZO Core Values
History of the Organization
In 1990, DGI and SOZO Founder Randall Morgan began traveling with a small music group in Eastern Europe. As they traveled from city to city, nation to nation, the reality of the oppression of the people was obvious all around them. Randy found that the international language of music brought smiles to the faces and joy to the hearts of the downtrodden. There was a deep desire within him to encourage people, and to accept and encourage their particular ethnic cultures. He also saw the need to bring these ethnic groups together so that they could learn to trust each other and strengthen the body of Christ through the unification of people groups. The idea of a music and arts festival was born. The first festival began in Hungary near the southern border city of Szeged in 1998, under the name Rock for Life. In 1999 it moved to its present home of Baja, Hungary, located near the borders of Serbia, Croatia, and Romania. Renamed the SOZO Festival in 2000 (Sozo is a Greek word meaning Healing, Salvation and Deliverance), this became an annual event that not only focused on training in music, arts and leadership, but also on the reconciliation and unity of nations previously in conflict.

The SOZO Foundation has also seen a number of ministries born out of the festival. In 2000 Freedom Street Records (FSR), a ministry of DGI and SOZO, recorded and released projects on an Albanian artist, “Rudina.” Rudina has taken her music to her people not only in Albania but also in Kosovo, in southern Serbia. FSR also released a project on the Serbian/Hungarian band “SOS,” an evangelistic band geared to skaters.

Realizing the need for further training of Eastern European nationals, in 2003 the SOZO Foundation began an eight week internship for young leaders from former communist nations (i.e., Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Bulgaria, Albania, Poland, etc.) This training program is designed to maximize the unique gifts of each of the interns. These young leaders will utilize their training by providing leadership for the festival. Each one will be fully equipped to make a positive impact in their nations.

Each spring and summer, DGI and the SOZO Foundation host a number of Worship Tours that not only encourage the churches of the Eastern European nations, but also positively affect the lives of westerners and easterners alike as they worship together and learn about their brothers and sisters in Christ from foreign lands.

Mission Statement
Destiny Group International is a globally active non-profit organization committed to training individuals to be agents of change in their unique cultures.

Vision Statement
Destiny Release, Nations Empowered

Core Values and Underlying Assumptions
  1. Jesus and His Teachings
    • We live according to His example.
    • We live in a manner that reflects our great value to God.
    • We live in a manner that acknowledges the great value of others.
  2. Integrity
    • We do what we say we will do.
    • We obey the laws of the land.
    • We respect private and corporate property.
  3. Servant Leadership
    • Our leaders participate in practical tasks.
    • Our leaders prefer others above themselves.
    • Our leaders are aware of the parameters of their authority and do not abuse power or use it for personal gain.
  4. Empowerment
    • We foster a climate of discovery and affirmation.
    • We build a safe community where abilities can be explored.
    • We seek to place servant leaders in appropriate positions of responsibility.
  5. Diversity as Reflected in Cross-cultural Exchange, and in the Giftings and Talents of Individuals and Cultures
    • Our staff spends regular time outside of their home culture.
    • We intentionally place staff in cross-cultural housing and working situations.
    • We draw attention to and celebrate the unique facets of individual cultures.
  6. Social Equality as Reflected in Gender, Economic, and Racial Issues
    • Pay is based on skill and regional cost of living, and not on gender or nationality.
    • Work duties are assigned based on ability, and not based on gender or nationality.
    • We seek to always be aware of and address social inequalities, e.g. the treatment of Gypsies and women.
  7. Creativity
    • We encourage new ways of doing things.
    • We believe in and promote the ability of all cultures to express their own worship creatively
    • We creatively honor and incorporate diverse cultures in our community life.